Patty Spyrakos

Artist Patty Spyrakos (Chicago, 1974) likes to push the boundaries between expectations and revolt, be it in clay or on paper.

Patty Spyrakos attended Loyola University and dove into evolutionary Psychology, Anthropology and the Sensory system. Her fascination with behavior in the human and animal worlds lead her to contemplate topics like emotional develop through evolution. Her many creative outlets mirror her studies, and we’re lucky enough to see some of them come out of the kiln here at the studio.

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Spyrakos’ most recent sculptural series stem from the challenge that a lot of modern women face. Having children, a long-running career and a studio practice often collide with not having enough time. The female forms hand-built by the artist often embody the stark reality of trying to retain a strong identity while also being reduced to a vessel for milk and comfort. Each piece depicts a woman of the times, breasts exposed, with large lips and truncated arms- further portraying her as an object. Instead of creating the flawless and timeless nude, Spyrakos makes sure to place the inner most conflicts on the outer surfaces. Her use of matte and shiny, bubbly and smooth surfaces along with deformed features showcase the turmoil for all to see. Often bows and swooping, feminine hair grace the figures as a way to keep up appearances, proving that we can never really know a person based on looks alone.

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Spyrakos is inspired by a small army of artists and movements. The Chicago Imagists play a big role in color choices and illustrative forms. The German Expressionists are also high on her list, along with Contemporary Artists Joakim Ojanen, Lynda Draper, Tip Toland and Viola Frey.

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Spyrakos isn’t afraid to take on conventional subjects like beauty and expectation, and her work gives us an unusual view into modern life and all its complexities. We look forward to seeing her ever- expanding series of brave and vulnerable figures, and realize a version of ourselves lives in each one.


Morgan Bates


Rich Zimmerman